The argument is unclear in the blog entry by “Hit or Miss”
titled “Against the Odds-Oral Contraceptives.” She attempts to make an argument
about the controversial Obamacare contraceptive mandate, but provides the
audience with no evidence to back her claims and clearly didn’t do any research
on contraception use.
She believes that the “president and the government express concern over the importance to support free birth control pills to insulin or medical equipment,” which would be a valid argument if not followed by “The citizens of the United States should not have to fund their promiscuous lives.” I can only assume that she’s referring to women and not the president and the government.
It’s hard for me to comprehend that a 21st century woman with a family, like Hit or Miss, believes that only promiscuous women use birth control. Liberate your mind Hit or Miss!! Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh and do some research on women’s issues before offering your negligent opinion.
Women use contraceptives for a variety of reasons including endometriosis, excessive bleeding, ovarian cysts, acne and the most common reason, family planning. The latter is important to prevent pregnancies that occur too late or too early and to prevent a woman from having children too close together which can adversely affect the mother’s health and increase the risk of birthing a baby prematurely and with a low birth weight.
According to Guttmacher Institute, more than 99% of women aged 15-44 who have had sexual intercourse have used a contraceptive method. Their research also shows that more married than never been married, use contraceptives (79% vs. 39%) and 93% of married women, at risk of unintended pregnancies, use contraceptives.
In her conclusion, Hit or Miss offers a solution. She believes that our health care system
needs to provide people with diabetes, hypertension and cancer medications and
not be so concerned that “Horny Helen does not run out of birth control pills
before she hits a fraternity house for a night of boozing and sex.” Again, I’m dumbfounded. She believes that the “president and the government express concern over the importance to support free birth control pills to insulin or medical equipment,” which would be a valid argument if not followed by “The citizens of the United States should not have to fund their promiscuous lives.” I can only assume that she’s referring to women and not the president and the government.
It’s hard for me to comprehend that a 21st century woman with a family, like Hit or Miss, believes that only promiscuous women use birth control. Liberate your mind Hit or Miss!! Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh and do some research on women’s issues before offering your negligent opinion.
Women use contraceptives for a variety of reasons including endometriosis, excessive bleeding, ovarian cysts, acne and the most common reason, family planning. The latter is important to prevent pregnancies that occur too late or too early and to prevent a woman from having children too close together which can adversely affect the mother’s health and increase the risk of birthing a baby prematurely and with a low birth weight.
According to Guttmacher Institute, more than 99% of women aged 15-44 who have had sexual intercourse have used a contraceptive method. Their research also shows that more married than never been married, use contraceptives (79% vs. 39%) and 93% of married women, at risk of unintended pregnancies, use contraceptives.
Hit or Miss is grammatically deficient throughout her blog entry, as well as, in her knowledge on the subject of contraception. I understand she was trying to argue that many life-saving drugs are not being mandated currently, while a contraceptive no co-pay is. In my opinion, she didn’t relay this idea as well as she could have. Nearly every American woman, regardless of age, religion, marital status or race, who has had sex, has used birth control. Whether a woman is promiscuous or not, she should have access to affordable health care including contraceptives. The spotlight should be more focused on the hypocrisy and inequality in how society views sexual activity and health of men and women.
I critiqued the same work. I did not see your entry to her page. Don't forget that is part of the assignment. Good retort btw.
Thanks Matt! I didn't forget, I never knew. You're critique was brilliant.
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